Program of Competition in Rhytmic Gymnastics

As a part of the program there will be interesting exhibitions for the audience, such as breakdance performances, belly dancing, group performances, and so on. In other areas of KV Arena more interesting attractions for both young and adult spectators will be organized. The 1st International Competition in Rhytmic Gymnastics in Karlovy Vary have prepared a blanket public and media publicity, which should ensure a large audience participation.

The program of races:

Arrival of participants Individually according to their own possibilities
Friday 14/6  17.00 - 20.00 Individual training in KV Arena
  19.00 - 19.30 Registration of participants
  19.00 – 20.00 Foreign judge meeting
Saturday 15/6 7.30 – 8.15 Registration of participants
  7.30 – 8.55 Warm-up on the stage
  8.00 – 8.45 Judge meeting
  9.00 – 19.30 Competition of categories
  19.30 - 20.00 Closing ceremony
  20.00 – 23.00 After Party
Sunday 16/6 Sightseeing and entertainment program for those interested*
Departure of participants Individually according to their own possibilities

*Please arrange the detailed program with the organizer in advance

The exact schedule, list of categories and warm-up timetable will be specifi ed according to the number of registered competitors.

We kindly request clubs to account for the possible delay of the program. Competitors absent at the closing ceremony are not entitled to get placed and awarded.

